
Welcome! Here I will have information about some of my favorite myths, recommendations of places to find more information, small prayers. The leaves in the background were drawn by me.

General Paganism

Paganism is just any religion that is not one of the world's main religions. Pagan is just an umbrella term that includes those that follow any mythology (like Norse, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, etc.), Druids, Wiccans, Shamans, and other non-major world religions. Paganism has so much variety, so if you have any questions, you should do your own research and ask someone who is in that religion. I am a Norse Pagan, follow the Norse Mythology, and worship Odin and Thor.

Before you read any further, keep this in mind.

Pagans, especially Norse Pagans, have issues with white supremacy in their groups. White supremacists have taken a lot of Norse imagery, runes, and mythology as their own, and this website is not a safe place for white supremacists. Odin and Thor are protectors; they protect their followers by giving them strength and guiding them through difficult times. If you use Odin and Thor's imagery for reasons other than bettering yourself and the world around you, you are disrespecting them. If you disrespect Odin, Thor and those around you, I hope everyone, including whichever gods you worship, treats you the same way you treat others and gives you ample consequences for your actions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Norse Mythology is not black and white. While other religions, like Christianity, are a lot more set in stone since they have sacred text that has mostly been untouched, many Pagans that believe in the same mythology believe wildly different things because the religions are old, and the myths themselves vary. This is true for mythology that has been well-recorded (such as Roman and Greek mythology), but especially for Norse Mythology.

A lot of Norse Mythology has been lost because Norse myths were mostly told by ear, and by the time they were written and published as the Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson, the pagans in Scandinavia had converted to Christianity. It's difficult to know what myths were influenced by Snorri and the Christians before him. Like I said earlier, we don't know a lot about the original myths, so there is a lot of variation between Norse Pagans.

If you'd like to read more, I recommend the following books and translations either because they address some of the issues I've mentioned, are written with a comical tone, or are just generally good:

Let's discuss mindfulness.

Everyone has their own way of meditation, and I have three main forms of meditation I like to use.

First, I like to write in a journal, and I always start with either a rune reading or an affirmation. I have a set of affirmation cards (similar to these). For the most part, my divination isn't telling the future; it's just reflecting on the possibilities. My journal entries consist of this reflection on possible outcomes and any other thoughts or feelings I have.

The second form of meditation I use is to take walks outside. Being outside and walking is good for you, but this is especially important to me as a Norse Pagan. Odin and Thor have a lot of symbolism in nature, and spending time outside can be a small and easy but important devotional act towards both of them. Additionally, any time you close your eyes and ground yourself, even if it's only for a few seconds, is a moment of meditation and reflection.

Thirdly, creating, whether that's through writing, drawing, fiberworking, carving, or singing allows me to be mindful. The main goal of these activities is enjoyment and to make something I'm proud of, but these activities give me a moment to reflect, just like the other two forms I've discussed. You can also devote that creation to your gods by making something that reminds you of them.